Rock Solid At Work
Vital ~ Energetic ~ Productive Lifestyle
Stress Management
Breathe Better
Breathing is both learned and automatic. It is both behavioral and physiological. Consequently, we develop breathing habits; good and bad. These habits affect our thoughts, emotions, and physiology.
Here you will learn good breathing habits which lead to better health, a clear mind, and healthy emotions. Plus, you’ll strengthen your diaphragm increasing your core stability and reducing joint pain and injury.
"Only those who know how to breathe will survive."
– Pundit Acharya
Breathing For Core Stability (4:57)
The diaphragm is the most important core muscle because it attaches to the spine, and rib cage while interacting with the inner unit muscles. Without a fully functioning diaphragm you can never be maximally strong or stabile because you will lack a postural base of support from which to move. In this video learn to use your diaphragm to stabilize your spine.
Change Your Breathing Change Your Life (12:08)
Belly breathing is something you can do anytime and anywhere to instantly stimulate your vagus nerve and lower stress responses associated with "fight-or-flight" mechanisms. You can lower heart rate, blood pressure and increase awareness and decision making.
Control Your Breath,
Control Your Health (2:21)
Diaphragmatic breathing (DB) is slow, deep breathing that affects the brain, heart, lungs and gut by regulating the nervous system. DB helps treat constipation, high BP, migraine, and anxiety. It improves athletic performance and increases quality of life in patients with Asthma, COPD, and cancer.
Carbon Dioxide Tolerance Test(:43)
Overbreathing is a common problem in the stressful world we live in. You might not be aware you're breathing fast and deep, but you'll likely experience: muscular pain, headache, stomach problems, poor sleep, etc.
Assess your carbon dioxide tolerance to see if you'r an "over breather" - too much oxygen in.
90/90 Breathing for Posture and Stability (:50)
Many people have developed postural faults that lead to inefficient breathing. Compensations in posture and breathing can be triggered in response to emotional stress, injury, poor movement patterning and disease. Breathing poorly forces our bodies to rely on other less efficient muscles to keep us alive and breathing. This causes muscular pain.
Eliminate Stress With this Breathing Technique (:43)
Stress alters breathing, leading to an unhealthy breathing habit. Unmanaged stress and unhealthy breathing patterns compromise the core's ability to stabilize the spine. Perform this breathing technique to instantly reduce stress, practice belly breathing and RPR to correct bad breathing habits.